Pregnancy Testing

Dr Emily Women's Health Center
Board Certified Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Bronx, NY
Not all pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy during the first few days of conception. The team at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center offers free early detection pregnancy testing at their office in the Longwood area of the Bronx, New York. The test is quick and accurate. No appointment is needed for your pregnancy test at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center. However, if you prefer, you can schedule your test by calling now or booking online.
Pregnancy Testing
Are home pregnancy tests accurate?
Yes, home pregnancy tests are accurate when used correctly. They work by measuring the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a hormone your body produces during pregnancy, in your urine. High amounts of this hormone in your urine produces a positive pregnancy test.
To get the most accurate results with your home pregnancy test, it’s recommended that you take the test after you’ve missed your period. While some home pregnancy tests claim they can detect pregnancy before a missed period, the results may not be reliable.
You also want to make sure your home pregnancy test isn’t expired or damaged.
What is an early detection pregnancy test?
Home pregnancy tests are effective at testing for pregnancy, but if you have concerns about pregnancy before you’re due for your period, then you may want to consider an early detection pregnancy test. The team at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center offers this test, which can detect pregnancy 10 days after conception, for free.
You don’t need an appointment to get your pregnancy test. Your test results take only 10 minutes, and your specialist provides one-on-one counseling to help you through any issues or concerns you may have about the test or the results.
What happens after my pregnancy test?
What happens after your pregnancy test depends on the results of your test. The kind and compassionate team at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center offer many options to help you get the care you need.
If your test is positive and you decide to terminate the pregnancy, your specialist can talk to you about the medical and surgical options available at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center. If you want to continue with the pregnancy, then your specialist can talk to you about what to expect and schedule your prenatal care.
If your test is negative, the experienced team at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center can talk to you about the many birth control options they offer to prevent pregnancy, including intrauterine devices (IUDs), Nexplanon®, birth control pills, and birth control patches.
No appointment is necessary for your free pregnancy test at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center. Call the office now to learn more, use the online booking tool, or walk-in during office hours.
GYN: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
TOP Surgery: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM