Abortion Pill

Dr Emily Women's Health Center
Board Certified Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Bronx, NY
Referred to as a medical abortion, the abortion pill is a safe and gentle method for terminating a pregnancy. The progressive gynecological practice, Dr. Emily Women's Health Center in the Longwood area of the Bronx, New York, believes abortion is a private matter for women and provides the abortion pill so women can terminate their pregnancy on their own terms. To schedule a consultation, call the office or request an appointment online today.
Abortion Pill / RU486
What is the abortion pill?
Also referred to as RU486, the abortion pill is a non-surgical abortion FDA-approved in 2000 to safely and effectively terminate a pregnancy, and is 97% effective at terminating a pregnancy. Effective decreaces to 93% after 9 weeks and 2 days.
Dr. Emily Women’s Health Center offers various abortion services to women in the New York area. -You need to have an escort who is 21 years or older to assist you returning home safely after your procedure.
Please follow our important follow-up in person protocols for the abortion pill, a 1 week follow-up appointment after pill was given.
Dr. Emily Women's Health Center is a progressive and powerful women’s health practice focused on helping women get the health care they need when they need it.
Am I a good candidate for the abortion pill?
Your provider at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center determines if you’re a good candidate for the abortion pill during your visit to the office. The abortion pill is only recommended up to 9.4 weeks gestation. During your evaluation, your specialist first confirms pregnancy with a pregnancy test and then conducts a sonogram to estimate weeks of pregnancy.
Dr. Emily Women's Health Center also offers a free early pregnancy test that can detect pregnancy within 10 days of conception.
If you’re not considered a good candidate for the abortion pill, the team at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center can talk to you about surgical abortion.
How does the abortion pill work?
The abortion pill terminates pregnancy with the use of two different medications that induce a miscarriage. The first medication blocks your body from producing progesterone, which is a hormone needed during the early stages of pregnancy. The second medication, which you can take 24 to 48 hours after the first medication, induces uterine bleeding.
You will experience cramping and bleeding after you take both medications. If you don’t experience any bleeding within 24 hours of taking the second medication, then you need to call Dr. Emily Women's Health Center right away. The staff is available to you around-the-clock to answer any questions and provide counseling as needed.
What happens after I miscarry?
After you’ve completed your medication and miscarried, the team at Dr. Emily Women's Health Center has you come back to the office to confirm termination of your pregnancy with a second sonogram.
Dr. Emily Women's Health Center is a full-service OB/GYN practice and can talk to you about your contraception options following your abortion to prevent future unwanted pregnancies. The practice offers many contraceptive options, including the highly effective intrauterine device (IUD) and Nexplanon®.
To learn more about the abortion pill, call Dr. Emily Women's Health Center today or request an appointment online.
GYN: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
TOP Surgery: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM